Sitting on social networking websites lately, I've come to the conclusion that we're facing a pretty major issue. I'm not talking about the rants of religion, gun control, etc. No, this problem is much simpler to solve, yet no one seems to notice. I'm talking about happiness, or rather, people complaining about their lack of happiness. Usually, in the situations that I see, the unhappiness is due to having no significant other or having one that isn't living up to one's expectations. What these people fail to realize is that their unhappiness is directly related to the fact that they're expecting someone else to make them happy.

As you readers may or may not know, I am married and have been for nearly four years. My husband makes me happy, yes, and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, but I don't rely on him as my sole source of happiness. If something happened and we had to part ways? I think I'd survive. In fact, I know I would.

This isn't just about relationships, though. It's about finding things in you that can make you happy. Maybe it's how much you love reading, or watching movies, or cooking. There is something other than another person that makes you happy. For me, personally, I enjoy reading, writing, sitting around listening to music, watching movies and television. I enjoy my own company. Though it may not be true all days, I often am perfectly content spending a day to myself. Even when I have a very grumpy toddler stressing me out (which, let's face it, is more often than before as we get closer to those terrible twos), I'm able to take myself away from that stress and just be happy.

Relying on another person/people for your happiness gives those someones all the power. You give them the power to basically make or break you. Who would want to be in that situation?

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that you have to find it in yourself to at least try to be independently happy if you want happiness. Anyone who comes after is just bonus happiness.*

Stay Alive,

*Note: I understand there are mental illnesses such as depression that affect happiness levels. Everything I mention in this post is meant to be taken as outside of those. If this note doesn't make sense, please feel free to ask questions in the comments.