Within the past five or so months, there have been three major shootings nationwide. That's a lot of violence (of just one kind) in a short amount of time, which makes me feel the need to write this blog today. I'm not here to talk about political or religious opinions, I promise, so just keep reading.

All of these tragic incidents were preventable. I don't mean that if guns weren't available, they wouldn't have been able to shoot people. And I don't mean that if these people, had God, they wouldn't have been filled with whatever hatred possessed them to do this. No, the real problem that the shooters didn't address was the fact that they needed professional help. They were sick, whether they were diagnosed or not—I don't know the personal information on any of the shooters, nor do I care to know. I just know that anyone willing to kill innocent people (even children!) are sick. But instead of seeking the help they needed, they decided to take that pain out on others who in no way deserved it.

So the point of this blog is this: if you're suffering and want to hurt yourself or others, please seek help. Don't let it sit inside of you until you feel killing others (or yourself) is the only option left, because it's not and it never will be. You are not alone. There are plenty of people you can contact.

Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696 Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433

For more phone numbers, check out the Important Hotlines tab.

Stay Alive,


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