With today being Suicide Awareness Day, I decided I needed to get my butt on this computer and actually write a blog for you guys! (I've really been slacking lately.)

I know there are many of my readers who have dealt with suicide, whether it was through someone they knew or even thinking about/attempting it themselves. For all of you, I want you to realize the word I used in that sentence--many. You are not  alone. You are not the only gone going through this. Let that piece of knowledge help you when you feel like no one will ever understand. People do. There are even people who haven't had those thoughts or experiences that understand. Groups like this one right here exist to help you realize you are and never will be alone.

If you have never been affected by suicide and/or don't know much about it, take the time to educate yourself. Don't let yourself become the ignorant person making jokes about people killing themselves. Believe me, suicide is anything but a joke. And if you already know about it, then you can help raise awareness, too.

I know there isn't much content to this post, but I did talk about it in more detail back in 2010, on my personal blog. I'd like it if you all took the time to head over there and read it (click here for post).

If you didn't head over to my personal blog, here's some websites that can help:

So spread the word, everyone. This is a very important issue.
Stay Alive,

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